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Sunday, November 30, 2014
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched
Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material
right here!
Own the first year of You Are Here in a collected edition (Your First Year Here) only $7.50 postpaid.
More details here.
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Friday, November 28, 2014
With much of America embroiled in seeking out the "Black Friday" bargains for the year, Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston are still celebrating Thanksgiving Hey Kids, Comics! style. This year that translates to their special take on "holiday birds".
Yes, this episode is for (and all about) the birds! The bird-named, themed, and feathered denizens of our favorite comics are the focus this issue.
From the bird-themed characters like Falcon and Black Condor to characters with actual bird wings like Dawnstar, Angel, or Winged Victory, to those sporting bird-inspired costumes like unlikely Big Hero 6 cameo recipient Black Talon, "Bird Season" officially opens with this issue!
Every corner of the comic book realm has been searched for the subjects of this particular issue of the show. This one is for the birds as birds of a feather are flocked together and every one in hand is worth at least two in the bush. So join us on a flight of fancy as Andy and Cole spread their wings, leave the nest, hope they don't lay an egg, and invite you to soar with them through the Hey Kids, Comics! Aviary.
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Sunday, November 23, 2014
Thanksgiving Day fast approaches (in the United States, anyway) and folks are looking forward to feasting on their traditional fare of the season. So with the start of the massive food intake that typifies the holiday season in mind, The Rantcor Pit is proud to present an episode that is all about Star Wars foodstuffs and restaurant premiums!
From the collection of Warren Jacobsen |
From themed products like C-3POs Cereal to movie tie-ins like the various Pepsi cans and bottles, to fast food premiums, there is no shortage of collectible items and packaging from the realm of food products. The Rancor Pit's first "trilogy" takes a look at the edible phenomenon with the help of Star Wars food packaging and food related product collector Warren Jacobsen.
Cole Houston and Eddie Medina take a page from Chewbacca's book and think with their stomachs with this episode. Join them in welcoming their guest and guide through the long history of a galaxy far, far away that has wound up on breakfast and dinner tables, been a key element of between meal snacking, and even celebrated the holidays with related treats over the history of the Saga. There's food for thought and thought for food that is part of this complete podcast!
Yes, this was an actual Star Wars candy treat! |
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Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched
Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material
right here!
Own the first year of You Are Here in a collected edition (Your First Year Here) only $7.50 postpaid.
More details here.
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Saturday, November 22, 2014
Pack you camping gear because we are headed to Lake Whitney with the Cryptid Couple, Eddie and Colleen, in part one of a special two part Bigfoot investigation. Explore with them this Texas wilderness and hear their re-telling of some spooky and strange occurrences while camping and hiking there.
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Friday, November 21, 2014
Welcome to the conclusion of the latest story arc, "Comicades"!
Join your hosts Andrew Farmer and Cole "JediCole" Houston as they explore what of the current decade has transpired thus far in the world of comics.
With a mere four years to cover, one of which has yet to reach its own conclusion, your hosts also take advantage of this week's issue to muse over what they may have missed in the previous four. There is a lot to discover about the 2010s thus far with so much promise for more down the line.
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Monday, November 17, 2014
Welcome to another great edition of The Rantcor Pit Live! This time your hosts Cole Houston and Eddie Medina take a look at one of the oddest, most maligned, most misunderstood yet celebrated aspects of Star Wars, The Star Wars Holiday Special!
Originally broadcast on November 17, 1978, the holiday tale of Han Solo trying to sneak Chewbacca home to Kashyyyk to spend Life Day with his family, the production proved such an embarrassment to George Lucas that it would never be seen again on television, nor would it ever be officially released for home video viewing.
Join your hosts and their special guests Christy the Jedi Goddess and Thomas Branch as they relive the combined shameful horror and nostalgic delight that is the Holiday Special!
Rantcor Pit Live 2014-11-16 by DeepEllumOnAir
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Sunday, November 16, 2014
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched
Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material
right here!
Own the first year of You Are Here in a collected edition (Your First Year Here) only $7.50 postpaid.
More details here.
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Friday, November 14, 2014
And then the bubble burst.
Poised on a precipice between extinction and rebirth, the comic industry reeled from the demise of the era of "comic books as an investment". At a point where the general consensus was that comics were a doomed medium, the industry reinvented itself, but not in the "virtual" way that had been the prevailing expectation.
Join Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston as they discuss the innovations and bold new directions that steered comics in the right direction at the point that the end seemed within sight. The 2000's proved a second Renaissance for the industry. With a focus on sophisticated stories, compelling art, and a more mature audience, a new Golden Age began to emerge.
As "Comicades" delves into the last full decade of this arc, there are plenty of amazing stories to discover in this rewarding look back at the recent history of the comic book medium.
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Monday, November 10, 2014
The Rantcor Pit is back, if a day late, and your hosts Cole Houston and Eddie Medina are back from a journey across the galaxy! The galaxy of Star Wars collectibles, that is!
When thinking about what constitutes a collectible, a great many things come to mind. With the broad spectrum of Star Wars related merchandise that has been produced over the course of many decades, defining "collectibles" under such a broad umbrella can become impossible. Cole and Eddie have taken it upon themselves to expose you to a variety of collectibles you may never have known existed.
In this first part of a trilogy on collectibles, the amazing diversity of products one can find that are Star Wars related is the subject of discussion. The two episodes that follow in this series will have a little more specific target in mind. So give us a listen, discover an amazing universe of collectible genres, and reflect on what all has been made over these many years. Who knows? You might also be inspired to seek out some of the things discussed for your own collection!
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Sunday, November 9, 2014
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched
Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material
right here!
Own the first year of You Are Here in a collected edition (Your First Year Here) only $7.50 postpaid.
More details here.
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
It is time yet again for Hey Kids, Comics! Live, the monthly live streaming show from Deep Ellum On Air in Dallas, Texas. If you missed the live steam today, you can check it out here in a form that is a little less live.
As a follow-up to Hey Kids, Comics! #106 (the martial arts issue), hosts Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston were happy to have Bobby Blakey (of Whadjathink?) join them in the studio for "Round Two".
From addressing things they missed last time to sharing more real-world martial arts experiences, there was plenty to explore in comics that have a Far East flavor. So join us for the archived edition of this great live show that really kicks some ass!
Hey Kids, Comics! 2014-11-08 by DeepEllumOnAir
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Friday, November 7, 2014
Comics had their Golden Age, their Silver Age, and even their Bronze Age. The 90s, then, truly were the Chromium Age of Comics! - JediCole
Welcome again comic book fans to Hey Kids, Comics! and the latest installment of "Comicades". After two decades of self-discovery and growth, the comic industry turned its attention to increasingly elaborate ways to add seeming value and ultimately grab a whole bunch of cash!
Join your hosts Andrew Farmer and Cole "JediCole" Houston as they discuss the boom then bust era that was the 90s. Joining them this week is Rick Gutierrez of The United States of Geekdom as they each discuss the ups and downs of a crazed period where comics went from commodity to liability as a bubble stretched to the point of bursting and beyond.
"If you print it (especially with fancy inks, embossing, chromium, or trading cards) they will buy!", might well have been the mantra of this peculiar decade. Find out more right here, right now!
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Monday, November 3, 2014
OOOOPS! We missed our publishing date (10/31) last week! Here is the late edition of the latest HKC!
Welcome to the second installment of "Comicades", the story arc in which Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston discuss comic books and the comic industry from the 70s to the present, decade by decade. In this issue they discuss the 80s and the events that led comic publishers to really discover the full potential of the medium.
Hearken back to the decade that brought us so many new characters and concepts. From the disco-era inspired Dazzler to the first full company crossovers and character guides, the 80s were a coming of age for comics. Find out what your hosts have to say about a decade that influenced them both as readers and collectors.
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Sunday, November 2, 2014
You don't have to be big to have a big impact on the Star Wars saga!
In fact the universe in which the "Adventures of Luke Skywalker" play out is replete with diminutive and even tiny races and species.
So it is little wonder (pun intended) that Cole Houston and Eddie Medina, along with Jantzen Ray (aka the "Jedi Holocron") decided to explore the world of the small folk of Star Wars! From the Jawas to the Utai and everywhere in between. Yoda, various Ewoks, and even some smaller denizens of that galaxy far, far away make up the topics of discussion on this special live show that was one of the most fun to produce so far!
Hope you enjoy this episode, we do.
The Rantcor Pit 2014-11-02 by DeepEllumOnAir
Posted by
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched
Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material
right here!
Own the first year of You Are Here in a collected edition (Your First Year Here) only $7.50 postpaid.
More details here.