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Friday, November 29, 2013
Take a break from the madness of "Black Friday" with the latest episode of the JCU's Star Wars podcast! It's been two weeks so it is time yet again for Cole and Eddie to examine yet another aspect of fandom and George Lucas' famous creation.
While it has been over a year ago, the impact of the sale of LucasFilm, Ltd. (and all that entails) to Disney can still be felt in the fan community. With Episode VII of the saga looming large and the upcoming animated series Star Wars: Rebels on the horizon, it seemed only fitting to devote the fourth show to the topic of the new ownership of the franchise.
Love it or hate it, the acquisition is a done deal and Disney is moving full steam ahead on the future of Star Wars. Give a listen to what your Rantcor Pit hosts have to say on the whole issue and discover the Marvel Comics connection.
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The in-depth exploration of the Seven Deadly Sins continues in this rather shameless issue of Hey Kids, Comics! With seven categories of mortal vice and only five issues in the arc it is necessary to double up a bit and this is the first such episode. Exploring two sins that seem complimentary, lust and envy, is the order of the day this outing.
Andrew “Hellllllo, Nurse!” Farmer and Cole “Me Too!” Houston try to get everything they have coming to them in this sinful examination of…sin! Envy certainly plays a major role in comic books, most especially in the villain community. Lust is a little harder to pin down at times but it is certainly a very present sin as well. Myriad are the examples that will be cited in this journey through man’s failings as they pertain to our favorite comic books.

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Sunday, November 24, 2013
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material every week right here!
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Friday, November 22, 2013
If I Had a Hammer

It is yet again time for Whadjathink? and this time the Asgardian epic Thor: The Dark World is the subject! Your intrepid hosts Catherine Houston and Bobby Blakey step into elf-ridden territory as they discuss the latest Marvel movie.
Joining this pair is a friend of the JCU, Diane Tran, who brings her own geeky take on Thor to the table. As always, this is a spoiler rich show so you may not want to listen until you've seen this movie. But since we ran a little late this time, you've had plenty of time to get your ass to the theater!
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Greed is the order of the day in this issue of Hey Kids, Comics! and our ongoing exploration of the vilest sins of man. That is to say such sins as they pertain to the lives of comic book characters and manifest themselves in comics. To say that greed plays a large role in the realm of the super-hero comic is something of an understatement!
Join your hosts Andrew “Gimmie! Gimmie” Farmer and Cole “Ultra Uncle Scrooge” Houston as they dig deep into the dark corners of the miser’s heart and… Actually they will take you on a journey into greed as it manifests itself in comic books. From the money hungry to those who want more (and more and more), you can always find some greed and selfishness within in the printed pages. And sometimes outside of them as well.
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Sunday, November 17, 2013
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material every week right here!
Please welcome the newest contributor to Open Season, Eddie Medina! You may know Eddie as co-host of The Rantcor Pit, but you may not have known he is a talented artist as well!
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Friday, November 15, 2013
We sure do here at The Rantcor Pit and that is why we keep coming back every other week to share our memories, insights, stories, and news about all things Star Wars. As you may have discovered by now, this show is going to be a mixed bag of topics about the star-spanning Saga that represents the modern mythology.
This episode Cole and Eddie take on the daunting task of conjuring memories of the "wonder years", which is to say those long three year gaps between Star Wars (aka A New Hope) and The Empire Strikes Back and the more speculation-ridden years between Empire and Revenge of the Jedi. So called because fans spent those years wondering what was coming next, especially once we knew something more was coming.
Of course Revenge became Return by the time the film saw theatrical release (the reason for the change is discussed on the show) but the wait was no less painful. How did we cope back before the internet? With Starlog and Famous Monsters magazines and, for subscribers, Bantha Tracks (the Star Wars Fan Club's newsletter back then) as our primary sources of information it was tenuous at best to track down clues and spoilers.
Take a trip back in time to 1977-1980 and 1980-1983 as we reflect on those years where wondering kept us going as we awaited the second and third chapters of the nine episode Star Wars saga!
Listen to the episode to find out what this is all about...
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Welcome to a very special new story arc for Hey Kids, Comics! in which the classic Seven Deadly Sins are the focus. What role do the mortal sins play in the realm of comics? That is the focus of this arc and we kick things off with perhaps the deadliest, wrath.
Andrew “Mr. Miffed” Farmer and Cole “The Temperamental One” Houston rage against the rage in the opening volley of a new arc that is bound to be all the rage! From the obvious angries like Hulk to characters who’s anger stews into a palatable mass of and resentment and fury. But who could we be hinting at there? At the risk of raising your ire we are going to make you wait and find out for yourself!
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Monday, November 11, 2013
From half a world away JediCole's best mate in Australia shares in a lively discussion that starts out with Thor: The Dark World and winds its way about a variety of movie and comic book topics. And that is just the sort of thing you are going to come to expect with this new addition to the JediCole Podcasting Network!
BS with SB (or at least what became this show) was first pitched by Stuart Baulk of Midnight Movie Cowboys and it seemed a perfect fit for the JCU. Essentially it is just a recorded conversation between friends who happen to have a wide variety of interests and some unique opinions on said interests. And it was just a good excuse to work with Stu on a podcast project.
From the cinematic renditions of Thor to the state of the cinema itself both in the US and Australia, to Stu making me think about Watchmen (yes, Andrew, Watchmen) in a new way, our first outing of this new show promises to be a lot of fun.
Bear in mind when tuning in that I did not reign myself or Stu in, so there may be some naughty words that some might not wish to hear ("Ow, my freakin' ears!"). Also there were some technical glitches in the recording that caused, among other things, a great story about some idiot in an Australian movie theater years ago using her cell phone during a movie to be lost. Otherwise the show features little to no cutting so as to preserve the conversational nature of this new feature.
Apologies to Stu who had no idea I would be dredging up a photo of him from his American holidays c. 2011. - JediCole
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material every week right here!
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Thursday, November 7, 2013
Welcome to the JediCole Universe!
The official Forums for the JediCole Universe are active and ready for your use today. Please be a part of the fun by joining today and posting now and often. There are preloaded categories based on the JCU shows and features as well as other aspects of fandom. And as a member you can always add your own!
Registering is fast and easy and makes you an important part of The JediCole Universe! Just click on the Register toggle, fill out the form and submit. Be sure to check your email for your account confirmation link to activate your new JCU Forums membership. Once you are active you can post in the forums and join the fun!
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Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Even comic book characters have to eat!
And we are not talking (exclusively) hero sandwiches here! Throughout the long history of comic books there have been foodstuffs associated with various characters or at least the odd scene that shows a hero or other character chowing down. From the handheld meal favored by one of the Fantastic Four to the best hamburger ever drawn in comics, a veritable smorgasbord of treats make up this week's Hey Kids, Comics! bill of fare.
While the obvious heavy meal that Galactus enjoys went unmentioned, a whole bunch of other four color noshing is brought to bear. Joining Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston at table for this delectable edition is none other than the United States of Geekdom's own Rick Gutierrez. So grab a napkin and dig in to the audio feast that is this week's episode.
That IS a tasty show!
"Hey Kids, Comics! Yummm! |
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Sunday, November 3, 2013
Want to see Bobby Blakey's art and his own humor including the newly relaunched Last Stop? Check out six years of the strip plus new material every week right here!
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Friday, November 1, 2013
It's Rantcor Pit time again!
Original art by The Rantcor Pit's own Eddie Medina. |
Following the successful re-launch of The Rantcor Pit two weeks ago, Cole Houston and Eddie Medina return to the bit to check out all things (or as many as possible) Star Wars merchandising. As the products that bore the Star Wars name were a vital part of elevating the film to pop-culture phenomenon status, it seemed only fitting to delve into that aspect of the Saga on our second episode.
With such a diverse and storied topic at hand it was important to bring along a friend who's encyclopedic knowledge of Star Wars products would prove a necessity. That friend is none other than the incredibly knowledgeable Geoffrey Carlton, author of the popular Star Wars Super Collector's Wishbook series!
Sit back and prepare for a trip down memory lane as hosts and guests touch upon the many ways in which fans everywhere could take the Saga home with them in the form of toys, collectibles, foodstuffs, comics, housewares, and a myriad of surprising items that have graced our galaxy since 1977.