Monday, March 21, 2016

HKC - The Lost Week

Hey Fellow Kids,

It's become obvious that we took a break last week.  In light of All-Con (a deluge of posts and stories will follow shortly), and well...just life; we thought it prudent to take a week to regroup, and prepare for the next 25 issues of the show.  We are going to be ramping up hard to 200, with new story arcs, guests, and crazy non-linear thinking. 

We did want to take this time, as we tend to do this time of year, to thank you all for being supporters and listeners.  You make this little thing we do every week worth while.  You are all amazing dreamers, and lovers of art and wierd comedy.  You are amazing, each one of you.  Thank you.

That's it for now, see ya next week!

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