Friday, March 11, 2016

Hey Kids, Comics! #173 - If You Can't Take The Heat (Daredevil part 2)

Note:  The numbering of this issue has been corrected, it was in fact issue 173.

In Coles last show away for All-con, HKC heads into Hell’s Kitchen once more for Issue 173.  With Daredevil Season 2 preparing to stalk darkly on Netflix; Andrew is joined by show alum and media czar, Jason “Old Hollywood” Adams to rehash the finer points of the first season of The Man without Fear, as well as speculate on whats coming for us in the next 13 episodes. 

Jason and Andrew also discuss Batman v Superman casting, J.K. Simmons, J.J. Abrams and the Industrimedia complex. Jason postulates on a possible Kevin Smith conspiracy theory, and Andrew yells about the flash a little.

All this and more, in another action packed issue of HKC!  
The audio went a little nuts in the last 10 minutes, we recovered most of it...also I am a sinus monster...full disclosure 

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