Friday, August 12, 2016

Hey Kids, Comics! #191 - Rogue-ish I's: Silly Bird

Rogue-ish I's continues with another chapter delving deeply into the psyche and nature of the villains that truly define aspects of the Batman.

Bruce Wayne's alter ego-fueled war on crime is punctuated by those adversaries that mirror facets of his life and personality.  Generally in an exaggerated form, some part of the Dark Knight Detective can be found within those villains that plague his days the most.  Despite a dapper appearance that is almost comical in nature, the Penguin has proven himself more than worthy to find a place in the upper echelon of Batman's rogue's gallery.

In this compelling issue, the villainous one-percenter Oswald Cobblepot becomes the topic of discussion.  Andrew Farmer and Cole "JediCole" Houston are joined by Eddie Medina of The Rantcor Pit shows!  Enjoy this exploration of another of the more underrated of the Bat-foes as three seasoned podcasters put on the Ritz and ponder the parasol-wielding, seafood-eating, bird-keeping, tuxedo-wearing, waddle-walking fine feathered fiend that is the Penguin!  

Caution:  A little wine and the combination of Andrew and Eddie has this issue of the show taking a oriented turns.  Enjoy!

As promised, here is the All-Con Guide to Convention Etiquette video from which this episode took its name.  - JediCole

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