Monday, July 4, 2016

The Rantcor Pit #50 - The First Time Ever I Saw Star Wars

As the Episode 1 trailer said, "Every Journey Has a First Step..."

This unique episode of The Rantcor Pit takes advantage of the milestone number to explore the entree into Star Wars of a number of different individuals.  

The initial exposures ran the gamut from movie theater screens in 1977 to borrowed VHS tapes!  Cole "JediCole" Houston is your guide on a quest to discover that one special moment where Star Wars was discovered by eleven different people.

This episode, by the way, weighs in at nearly three hours in length!

(Note:  Eddie Medina's voice is not heard in the interviews for this episode as he was enjoying the Fourth of July holiday and deserves some time away from "The Pit" as well!) 

A special JCU thank you to Andy, Brett, Chris, DeNae, Devin, Dustin, Erin, Kelly, PJ, Stu, and Tim for joining me on this memorable journey!  -  JediCole

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