Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Do It Yourself 8: Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Seriously?!  Has it been over a YEAR since the last Do It Yourself appeared on the JCU?!

Yes, it's true!  After a one year hiatus those diligent movie critics turned improvement specialists Vegabomber and Joose have been called out of retirement!  What could possibly have compelled them to take up mics and share their thoughts on how a popular, money-making-machine film could be vastly better if anyone had bothered to consult them?

Simply put, "Batman v. Superman:  Dawn of Justice.

Need we say more?  Perhaps not.  In fact it is best that you just sit back and take in a little cinematic wisdom as your hosts guide you through their thoughts on the actual movie and how it really could have been even more epic!  Or just plain epic at all.  

The JCU highly recommends this episode as a mental appetizer for the release of the longer director's cut of the movie which will soon enjoy a theatrical release.

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