Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Disappearing Shows of The JediCole Universe

If you have tried to listen to Hey Kids, Comics!, The Rantcor Pit, Whadjathink?, Do It Yourself, FigmentsBS With SB, or other shows lately, most have been decidedly unavailable.  This has been brought to my attention and I am in the process of correcting that problem.

It seems that while all of the shows are still available on PodBean, the links to said shows via Blogger, have degraded.  As a result I am going individual post to individual post to determine the status and reestablish links where necessary.  So far I have all of 2015 to date caught up, but there is far to go as there multiple shows per month that have been affected.  

Please bear with me as I get the entire JCU catalog up and running anew.  This will take about a week.

Thank you,
Cole "JediCole" Houston

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